Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Day Communication
Each year our world advances through technology if it’s new cell phones, or instant messaging. There are both advantages and disadvantages of modern day communication. First I'll talk about cell phone cameras, which have advanced more and more throughout the years. Cell phones in general are a big factor in most teen’s life. The advantages of cell phone cameras are one, easy access to take a picture of anything. That’s why now if you go to a concert instead of cameras they have there phones. Also the size, carrying a camera around is somewhat a burden to fit in our bags, a cell phone fits in our pocket. We can easily see a picture we want then take it, although there are advantages there are disadvantage. The biggest disadvantage is privacy, already in
Another Modern Day communication is MSN or text messaging; both of these consist of fast ways to communicate with your friends. MSN and text messaging do have advantages, on MSN you can talk to your friend’s instantly with text messaging you don’t have to be on a computer you can be anywhere. There is one big disadvantage to instant messaging which is cyber bullying. This happens a lot since people feel safer to say mean things through MSN or texts. I remember an incident when I was being bullied over MSN which ended up being a joke but for others its not, many people get physically and mentally hurt. Another disadvantage to instant messaging which happened to me was I sent a personal text to someone, but I sent it to the wrong number. In cases like those it’s hard to fix since you don't know who’s getting the message. Although instant messaging has its con's its very convenient if you’re safe. Overall modern day communication is increasing more although there are disadvantages the advantages outweigh them. As long as where safe then modern day communication is great.